Are you a Ted Talk fan? I certainly am!

I doubt there’s a more inspiring and supporting place to learn!

Here’s a collection of some Ted Talks that will change your life! I created this list with creative entrepreneurs in mind, hope you’ll enjoy this post!

  1. Why some of us don’t have one true calling by Emilie Wapnick

I wish I had watched this talk many years ago!

It’s so good to know that there’re a lot of people with many passions and talents, and it’s such great news that we don’t have to choose only one path.

During the talk, you’ll see a few examples of people who managed to thrive being multi passionate entrepreneurs, or, as the speaker says ‘multi-potentialite’!

2. How great leaders inspire action by Simon Sinek

The main message of this talk is that you have to start with your ‘why’, not with the ‘how’ or the ‘what’.

Why? Because people don’t buy what you do, people buy why you do it. And you sell to people who believe what you believe.

From my point of view, the most inspiring example was Martin Luther King Jr, who managed to unite so many people with his ‘I have a dream’ speech.

3. Listening to shame by Brené Brown

You’ve probably watched this talk already (it’s one of the most watched Ted Talks ever!), but I believe it’s worth re-watching every now and again. Why? Because shame is so settled in our culture, and we need to be reminded of the distinction between shame (I am a mistake) and guilt (I made a mistake).

Especially as creative entrepreneurs, we tend to be very hard on ourselves, but we must remember that vulnerability and courage are the birthplace of change and creativity.

4. Your elusive creative genius by Elizabeth Gilbert

The Romans used to define the ‘genius’ as an external creature that helped the artist, but then the Renaissance came and the man was put at the centre of the Universe. Elizabeth Gilbert wonders why we don’t go back to see our creativity as something external, magical and spiritual. A glimpse of God!

Certainly an attractive point of view!

Read also 7 Must read books for creative entrepreneurs

5. Your body language may shape who you are by Amy Cuddy

Did you know that your body posture directly influences the level of testosterone and cortisol in your body, making you feel either more confident or stressed?

I think this is simply fascinating, and I’ve been doing power poses a lot lately. What if you did a two-minute power pose before a client call or  before presenting your next webinar?

6. Why you should define your fears instead of your goals by Tim Ferriss

Tim Ferriss discovered Stoicism a long time ago and he fully embraced it. Why is such an ancient philosophy so important to him? It helps differentiating between things you can control and things you can’t control, and focusing only on the former.

He presents a simple 3 page exercise that will make you see the benefits of your choices and the costs of inaction. I’ve done it a few times and I’ll certainly do it again, it’s really eye opening.

That’s it for today, hope you enjoyed these suggestions and I look forward to hearing your recommendations!

Is there a Ted Talk that changed your life? Let me know in the comments!


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